State of the Indian Traffic

Maneuvering around the craters aka potholes and the mountains aka speed breakers is only one of the several challenges when driving in India’s by lanes. Added to that challenge is the many types of drivers themselves. Let us look at the psyche of the many tribes of drivers that are peddling the lanes.

thehinduAll the drivers feel that they are riding on a two wheeler. Does not depend on the size of the vehicle that is being driven currently. It could be a three wheeler or the auto, the small car or the gas guzzling imported SUV. Continue reading

Tale of my Teas, #Humor

No two cups of tea are the same. If you have ever traveled in India, you would realize that.

Let us first start with the no star hotels. These are the small numerous joints around the road side where tea has been simmered in the same pot from before I was born. It is boiled round the clock and by the time it comes served it is thick. Biscuit will stay suspended in it without drowning. It is strong, sweet, milk and it is like drinking eclairs. It is occasionally spiced with ginger, cardamom and a host of other things.

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“In Confidence”, Please , Humor, #Work

Your boss shares a departmental secret/progress/issue/fact whatever with you. And he adds that the topic should be kept in confidence. Only the top management and  the senior contributors know about it. You end the conference call or the meeting, and come out. Next day, the Rumor Raja of the floor, will come up to you.

In whispers, he/she will say. “Varnam, you know what?”

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Why Good Questions do not have answers? #Humor, #Work

PS: Any and all resemblances are purely coincidental.

Have you ever been in a meeting, where good questions are asked?

If yes, do you ever remember, if the good questions had answers?

No Sir, I never did. When a question is asked, for which the presenter, the host, the audience or whoever the question is directed at, does not have an answer. This is what happens, in the exact chronological sequence.

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Audacity of #Humor in the title

Humor is the most difficult of all genres to write, to write effectively. Writing without mocking at any one, is an art form. If any humor is difficult to write, the subtle or the tongue in cheek is the most. The nuances should be such that, anyone can relate to it. At the same time, do not feel that they are being targeted. Articles, posts or books of this kind enjoy a lot of popularity. Who does not like to have a smile and leave with a feel good feeling?

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Perils of Pinging, #Humor, #Work, #Disruptive

Disclaimer: Not aimed at anyone. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

Disruptive seems to be the in thing right now. For me the word still carries a negative connotation. It is glamorous to declare everything as disruptive, and IM is disruptive technology. It has replaced email or walking over as the preferred means of communication.

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7 Steps to Nirvana, #Humor

7i3 Steps to success.

Bliss in 5 steps.

11 tips for a productive you.

Is it with the popularity of self help or because we want to have a fool proof plan, we find that everything can be achieved within 3 to 11 steps. The moment we see the number, we think the goal is  achievable. I also noticed that none of these posts spell the number. It is always a number. I think putting out the number in the title gets the maximum effect. Spelling it out makes it look difficult.

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50 Shades of Green, #Vegan, #Sprouts

Jumping on the 50 shades band wagon.


Stir fry spinach for couple of minutes, add moong sprouts and any seasoning of choice and salt. Cook more or less depending on your choice. I cook every thing closed for just about a minute on medium heat.

Dark green spinach, with  pale green moong sprouts, packed in a parrot green lunch box.Can it get any greener?